Early detection of vision problems is crucial for vision development. During a child's eye exam, Dr. Rodgers assesses your child's visual acuity, focussing ability, refractive error, depth perception, eye alignment and eye health. If not corrected, a problem in any of these areas can lead to amblyopia, or lazy eye.
Reasons for testing children's eyes
Early eye examinations are necessary to ensure that children have the visual skills they will need to perform well in school. Children who are unable to see print clearly and read a blackboard will have a hard time functioning in the classroom. Certain eye conditions like amblyopia, or lazy eye, need to be caught and corrected early. The sooner a potential issue with vision or eye health is diagnosed, the prognosis is usuallly better.
Performing children's eye exams
Typically, an eye exam for a child is similar to an eye exam for an adult. Preschool age children can undergo eye exams even if they do not yet know their letters. Although a majority of the examination involves objective testing, visual acuity can also be assessed with symbols.
It is important to make sure your child's vision is properly functioning. Even if your child does not complain of eye problems, be sure to schedule a pediatric or adolescent eye examination.