Contact lens technology has advanced significantly in the last few decades, and there is a lens design that can fit the needs of virtually everyone. In order to determine in contact lenses are right for you, a comprehensive eye exam is required as well as a contact lens fitting.
What is a contact lens exam?
Contact lens exams differ from regular eye exams. A comprehensive eye examination includes visual acuity testing, a refraction for glasses, binocular vision testing and an ocular health examination. If you are interested in contact lenses, Dr. Rodgers will complete the standard eye and vision testing then gather additional information about your lifestyle and preferences when it comes to contact lenses. If contact lenses are appropriate for you, a contact lens discussion will follow the exam.
Performing contact lens exams
The goal of a contact lens exam and fitting is to determine the best contact lens style and size to fit your eyes. The contact lens exam includes the following measurements:
Corneal curvature: the curve of the cornea is measured with a keratometer. This measurement dictates the best shape and diameter for your contact lenses.
Eye surface irregularities: The exam may reveal that your eye's surface is irregular due to astigmatism. Patients with astigmatism are fit with a special type of contact lens known as a toric lens which is shaped to offset the abnormalities.
Pupil and iris size: Pupil and iris measurements are taken with an instrument called a biomicroscope. These measurements are used to help choose the proper size and orientation of contact lenses.
Tear film testing: Tear film testing is conducted to ensure that your eyes are capable of keeping contact lenses moist with tears.
If you are considering contact lenses, call us to make an appointment.